Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Elegi Permintaan Si Murid Cerdas Kepada Guru Matematika

How To Use Good Study Methods For Teaching? 

If I became a teacher i will a learning method that can accept my students, then this method will not make them boring but they will enthusiast to learning, then this method will make my students love the mathematics. The method is a variation or combination of methods that would later become one, I use when teaching so that students do not feel bored and did not seem monotonous learning process. I have applied this method will be alternately so that they do not saturate in the study of mathematics. There are times when I use method of play, there are times when I use the lecture method, the method most frequently asked questions and made ​​the students could develop a method to learn with nature, I will invite my students to learn about the mathematics that I apply directly in everyday life.

How Make It Easy To Learn Math? 

During this mathematics into subjects that are very scary for students, so they had difficulty in learning mathematics. Therefore I tried to make the math easy to be learned. First I would make the math it becomes interesting to study, for example, with props that relate to the material that will be discussed, such as fractions by using paperfolding  and marbles, numbers with props colorful balloons, etc. Then I was not just a teacher,  but I'll try to be friends so that they can consult  in particular on mathematics without any fear, other than that I would make the material easier to understand and convey the lessons as much as possible I will make interesting so they are easier to learn math.

How To Apply Mathematics In Everyday Life?

Mathematics have related to daily life. For example to calculate profits and losses in sales or a project. Then students can use mathematical to calculate determine the speed that should be done in time that has been provided in order to reach the destination on time and on target. Additionally students can use mathematical to calculate divide something into flat. Students also use math in a play in which students should be counting to play hide and seek. Mathematics is also very useful for determining the direction and as a guide. With apply mathematics in them life so the  students will be more like mathematics.

Thus the solution that I gave to some the requests of students, the words of a white-haired old man very aware of the teacher that the teacher always pay attention to her students, not just teaching but giving motivation to learn,comprehend and understand their students. In addition teachers can also be a study buddy for students. I hope I can be a useful teacher for my students.

Elegi Permintaan Si Murid Cerdas Kepada Guru Matematika

When I read this elegy, I became aware that not easy being a teacher. I should be able to understand the demands of students, maybe I'll never know about demands  of student if I not read this elegy. I am very grateful to Mr. Marsigit because before I official became a teacher, I could learn from this elegy how to be professional  teacher, so I'll feel ready to become a teacher because I already know how many requests of students to teachers. Below I try to give a solution how to respond to student requests

How To Motivate Students To Learn Mathematics? 

As teacher I have to think how to motivate my students so that they have spirit to learning math and they will feel happy when learning mathematics so that their science can not be in vain but beneficial to life. The way I would do is I need to know and understand the characteristics of my students, then before the lesson started I want to give the words that could encourage my students, words of motivation that will make him think that education is important. I'll try to make my students liked math, so I gave lessons to draw their attention and they will always feel good with math. I will grow  the intention of studying the students to learn mathematics. With intention and a feel of fun to learn math I am sure they will be motivated to learn mathematics and spirit to search knowledge.

How To Provide Learning Facilities To Students? 

Learning facilities also very supportive in the learning process. As a teacher I will try to facilitate my students so that  they feel comfortable and fulfilled in learning process. I'm not to limit the reference books that will be used for instructional materials, but I'll try to give a book that is easy to understand the students and according to his ability. I will also make the math module that is easy to learn and understand for my students. In addition I would make worksheets so that they learn not only individually but in groups, to discuss in a group I hope they will learn to appreciate and accept the opinions of others, not only that they will also exchange ideas in solving problems. I will also make a special blog that contains about mathematics so that they can sharing all the difficulties in learning mathematics and they can exchange ideas in the study of mathematics at all times.

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011


Pemerintah Indonesia selalu berusaha keras untuk meningkatkan tingkat intelektual rakyat dan memajukan kesejahteraan umum sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam Pembukaan UUD 1945. Salah satu upayanya adalah dengan mengembangkan kurikulum baru. Saat ini upaya untuk meningkatkan pendidikan matematika di Indonesia meliputi kolaborasi dalam melaksanakan kegiatan mengajar matematika di sekolah SMP di beberapa daerah. Kegiatan ini dimaksudkan untuk mengembangkan dan mencoba beberapa model pembelajaran yang dianggap sesuai dengan pendidikan di Indonesia. Dosen dan guru bekerjasama di sekolah untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran yang dibutuhkan di lapangan. Strategi dasar untuk uji coba adalah mempromosikan paradigma baru pendidikan matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan.
Untuk itu kurikulum harus selalu dikembangkan. Perhatian utama dalam pengembangan kurikulum matematika adalah untuk memastikan bahwa kurikulum mencerminkan proses belajar mengajar yang telah dimaksudkan, karena itu, kita perlu mengembangkan: Pedoman untuk mengembangkan silabus, Pedoman untuk pelaksanaan kurikulum, dokumen pendukung seperti handout, lembar kerja siswa, keterlibatan guru dalam pengembangan kurikulum, sosialisasi dan diseminasi kurikulum, dan pemantauan rutin pada implementasi nya.
Dalam mengelola kelas matematika seorang guru harus mengetahui karakteristik atau sifat dasar dari mateatiika itu sendiri. Karakteristiknya yaitu matematika adalah mencari pola dan hubungan, matematika adalah kegiatan kreatif yang melibatkan imajinasi, intuisi dan penemuan, matematika adalah cara memecahkan masalah, matematika merupakan sarana mengkomunikasikan informasi atau ide. Saat ini prestasi anak dalam mata pelajaran matematika dan IPA tergolong rendah. Hal ini antara lain disebabkan oleh kurangnya kegiatan laboratorium, kurangnya guru yang menguasai ilmu pengetahuan, kurangnya guru yang menguasai pendekatan keterampilan proses, materi pada Matematika terlalu ramai, terlalu banyak ketentuan administrasi yang memakan waktu bagi guru, kurangnya peralatan laboratorium dan sumber daya manusia. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa hal itu juga dapat disebabkan karena ketidakcocokan antara kurikulum dengan tujuan pendidikan. Selain itu, seorang guru juga harus paham mengenai karakteristik peserta didik matematika yaitu siswa belajar terbaik ketika mereka termotivasi, siswa belajar dengan cara yang unik, siswa belajar secara independen dan melalui kolaborasi, siswa mengkonsolidasikan ide yang sama dalam konteks yang berbeda.Untuk mengatasi kendala pelaksanaan kurikulum baru, guru perlu mempertimbangkan tiga komponen penting yaitu diskusi, kerja praktis,dan pekerjaan investigational.


Berpikir Matematis sebagai pokok persoalan pusat dalam inovasi belajar mengajar Matematika . Berpikir matematis adalah dasar untuk berpikir secara bervariasi dan siswa belajar matematika dapat mempelajari tentang logika dan cara berpikir secara rasional juga dapat diaplikasikan dalam bebragai bidang mislanya fisika statistic , dan ekonomi . Berikut ini adalah contoh pendidikan Matematika dari berbagai Negara yang berhubungan dengan aspek berpikir matematis .
Di Australia jika siswa menjadi pemikir matematika yang baik , kemudian membutuhkan berpikir matematis untuk menonjolkan bagian dari pendidikan mereka . Seperti yang diindikasikan oleh Stacey.K dari Australia , berpikir matematis tidak hanya penting untuk memcahkan masalah dan belajar matematika . Guru juga membutuhkan berpikir matematis untuk menganalisa rencana mata pelajaran untuk maksud khusus dan mengharapkan jawaban dari siswa . Untuk British , peran untuk pandangan jangka panjang berpikir secara matematis , membangun kemampuan genetic untuk belajar dari pengalaman belajar yang sukses selama hidup . Di Jepang , berpikir secara matematis didasarkan dari perilaku matematis, gambaran secara matematis , dan pentingnya tentang pemahaman . Di Indonesia , seperti yang terjadi di Malaysia , hanya muncul sebagai “jack” pendongkrak . Budaya ujian diorientasikan masih umum di sekolah Indonesia dan Malaysia. Dapat disimpulkan bahawa berpikir matematis memiliki beberapa cirri-ciri yaitu mereorganisasi melalui matematisasi dengan merefleksikan pikiran, keahlian dan pengunaan konsep matematika ideal untuk dunia, pembelajaran bagaiamana belajar , mengembangkan , dan enggunkan matematika dalam pembelajaran dua tipe sebelumnya, berbagi ide , dan cara berpikir matematis yang penting untuk ilmu pengetahuan , teknologi , perkembangan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi, mengembangkan pendekatan mengajar dengan berpikir matematis melalui pelajaran belajar, mengembangkan jaringan untuk berbagi ide dalam menunjukkan berpikir matematis dalam nasional, regional . dan tingkat internasional .


In learning as a teacher we often run into many obstacles. to tackle it, in learning to use learning approaches. So that later in learning to be going well. many approaches that can be used. as a teacher or lecturer. Teachers or lecturers need for efforts to improve student learning passion. for the teachers or lecturers need to have a learning innovation. one of them with the learning approach
According to Archer approach education is divided into three, namely the approach "Confirming", a "transforming" and approach to "reforming". Approach "Confirming" tend defensively old values ​​while the approach to "transforming" more emphasis to the order or
oriented to the market, and approach to "reforming" develop
education based on human values ​​according to context.
And according to Becher and Maclure approach learning can be divided into: "Instrumental Curriculum" is more about
academic and technical approach; "Interactive Curriculum" emphasizes
to the social approach and "individualistic Curriculum" more emphasis
subject to the development of individual cognition students.
students' potential can be developed optimally by taking into account student characteristics, namely Student will learn if they have the motivation, Pupils studying in its own way, Students learn both independently and collaboration with his friend, Pupils need the context and circumstance that vary in their learning
In addition to cognitive, affective aspects also need attention. there are several classifications (taxonomy) affective aspects. For example taxonomy according Krathwhol include receiving, responding, valuing, organization and characteristics. Aspects of attitudes arise because of the commitments, preference, value, value acceptance, satisfaction and willingness to respond to respond to the person. And aspects of interest arises when there is value preferences, acceptance
value, satisfaction of responding, willingness to respond, willingness to
respond, concentrated attention, willingness to accept and awareness of

Revitalisasi Pendidikan Matematika

In mathematics education is not easy any person or teacher to understand mathematics and mathematics education itself. Every teacher must have different strategies in conveying mathematical knowledge or learning materials. This difference is due to the ability of teachers and students who very in delivering and capturing learning materials. Every teachers also must believe that the strategies they use are the best for him and also the students they teach. But there are some teachers are less confident with the ability to teach, so they should change the strategy better. Learning math is not easy because we know that students also have trouble understanding mathematics. However, as a teacher, math teacher should be able to teach mathematics well, so that students can understand math. By using the method of learning math teachers are expected to not only convey information to students of mathematics. One method of learning math is to use a method of revitalizing mathematics education. Revitalization of mathematics education provides are essential factors for achieving mathematic education according to the meaning of learning mathematics. Although until now there has not been the best deal to teach mathematics. So until now, the math teachers are given the opportunity to choose the method according to student ability and subject matter.
To develop students' skills we need to know whether students will study hard if we give them motivation, students typically learn in their own way, students can learn personal or in groups, each student requires a different situation in learning. In this era of globalization, the development of mathematical education is defined by moving the center of the learning process from teacher to student. Just as in the lecture, students should be the center of the learning process. Indeed haruslanh changed that paradigm. Because the learning is not just transferring knowledge, but students also must be able to better understand.
How mathematicians give their point of view that mathematics is an independent value? The answer is that of absolute social values ​​is the culture, so there's no inherent value in mathematics implicit. knowledged that the materials and methods into abstract mathematics makes mathematics, general, formal, objective, rational. This is the truth of science and mathematics. Provide social absolute opinion that everything is acceptable according to the value and if it does not fit, it can be rejected. Social constructivist then give an opinion that mathematics is a human work in a long time. All knowledge that is formed is the result of human creativity. Thus, mathematics is a science that has ties to the culture and values.

Pembelajaran Matematika Berbantuan Kalkulator: Studi Kasus Penggunaan Kalkulator Texas Instrument TI 89 pada PBM Matematika di SMK MUHAMMADIYAH IV YOGYAKARTA

In learning mathematics, we can use a tool to count. Usually we use the auxiliary arithmetic alata commonly known by the term calculator. The calculator has two kinds / types, namely ordinary calculator and scientific calculator. Regular calculator that has often we find and use. Scientific calculator is one example of the graphing calculator. Graphing calculator can memecahakan denagn math problems quickly and displays the results in graphical form. In addition to the graphing calculator can also create a program used to solve mathematical problems.
There are several important orders from Texas Instruments calculator TI 89, namely Solve command is command feature algebra. We can determine the set of settlement on Linear Inequalities, Quadratic Equations, Equations 2 System of linear equations, systems of linear equations with each other quadratic equations, Systems of Equations 3 variables.  Simult command is command of the feature matrix. We can solve systems of linear equations three variables by using this command. Ekspand command is command feature algebra. Examples of problems that can be resolved is the problem of determining the roots of quadratic equations are known. In addition, we can develop new quadratic equations, systems of linear equations with one another quadratic equation, the question of stories related to inequality, etc.
This graphing calculator can be used as a means of learning mathematics in the classroom, and students can be involved directly in the calculation process amtematika, so students are also actively involved in perhitunagan not only get results only. Students are also able to match the results of the answer without using a regular calculator. Graphing calculators can speed up the meaning, reflect, analyze data and connect it. One example of Texas Instruments graphing calculator is the TI 89.
Many of the ease with which we can get with use graphing calculator. With a graphing calculator we can make, graph quadratic equations, graph linear equations system, and also graph linear inequalities, graph linear inequalities, etc.