School unit : SMP N 2 Moyudan
Subject : Mathematics
Class/Semester : VIII/2
Time allocation :
20 minutes

Standard of competence
Comprehending the properties of cubes, rectangular prism, pyramids, and their part as well as determining the measurement.
Basic Competence
Identifying the characteristics of cube, rectangular prism, polygon based prism, and pyramids as well as their part
Determine the faces, edges and vertices of the cube
The Purpose of Learning
Students can determine the faces, edges and vertices of the cube
Element of a Cube
Summary Of The Materials
a. Each square on the side of the cube is called faces of the cubes. So, many faces of the cubes is 6 faces
b. The cube has a shape and size on the same faces
c. The intersection of tehe two sides of the cube is a line called edges of the cube. So that the cube has 12 edges
d. The cube has the same length of edges
e. Three interaction of every three edges meet is called a vertex of the cube. So many cube vertex is 8 vertex
f. Thus, it can be concluded that the cube has:
a. 6 faces of the same shape and size
b. 12 edges of the same length
c. 8 vertices
Learning Methods
Discussion and inquiri
Learning Media
Student worksheet
Learning Scenario
No | Teacher activities | Student activities | Duration |
A. OPENING | | ||
1 | Teacher greet to the student | Students answer the greetings of teachers | 10 seconds |
2 | Teacher give apperception to student. | Student listening to teacher. | 120 seconds |
1 | The teacher divides the students into several groups. | Student listening to teacher. | 40 seconds |
2 | Teacher gives student worksheet to each group | Student attention | 10 seconds |
3 | The teacher began by explaining about the purpose of learning today, by the way: "Children here I have three models of a cube that will be distributed to each group. Of this cube model of the expect you can find the faces, the edges and the vertex of the cube. " | Student attention | 30 seconds |
4 | The teacher asked student to give identity of the student worksheet in first page | Student write identity in first page | 40 seconds |
5 | Teachers guide students to discuss questions on Student Worksheet page 3. | Students discuss the questions on the student worksheet with group. | 400 seconds |
8 | When finished answering questions on student worksheets in page 3, then the teacher asked students to do exercises on the student worksheets on page 4 | Students discuss the questions on the student worksheet with group. | 200 seconds |
C. CLOSING | | ||
1 | The teacher invites students to review the material that has been studied. | Student answer cube have 6 faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices | 30 seconds |
TOTAL | 1200 seconds |
Consider the picture beside the cube.
Decide which in the mean by:
a. faces
b. edges
c. vertex
Decide which in the mean by:
a. faces
b. edges
c. vertex
Assessment Method
Answer Key | skors | ||
a. Faces : ABCD, EFGH, ABFE, BCGH, DCGH, ADHE b. Edges : AB, BC, CD, AD, EF, FG, GH, EH, AE, BF, CG, DH c. Vertex : A, B, C, D, E, F, G, dan H | Correct Answer | Wrong Answer | Not Answer |
Skor 3 Skor 3 Skor 2 | Skor 0.5 Skor 0.5 Skor 0.5 | Skor 0 Skor 0 Skor 0 | |
Value = (jumlah skor * 5) : 4 |
Principal ………………………………. NIP. ………………………….. | Yogyakarta, April 2012 Subject Teacher TRI HANDAYANI NIM 08301244002 |
Name :
Number :
1. Each square on the side of the cube is called faces of the cubes. How many faces of the cubes?
2. Are the cube has a shape and size of the same faces?
3. The intersection of the two sides of the cube is a line called edges of the cube. How many edges of the cubes?
4. Are the cube has the same length of edges?
5. Three interaction of every three edges meet is called a vertex of the cube. How many vertex of the cubes?
6. What can you conclude about the cube's?
Consider the sketch of a cube at right.
Determine which in the main by :
a. Faces
b. Edges
c. Vertex
1. There are 6 faces of the cube.
2. Yes, the same. The shape and size faces the same of the cube.
3. There are 12 edges of the cube.
4. Yes, the same. The length of all the edges the same of the cube
5. There are 8 vertices of the cube.
6. From the answers above can be concluded that the cube has:
· 6 faces of the same shape and size
· 12 edges of the same length
· 8 vertices
b. Edges : AB, BC, CD, AD, EF, FG, GH, EH, AE, BF, CG, DH
c. Vertex : A, B, C, D, E, F, G, dan H
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