Selasa, 06 Maret 2012



Education has an important role in developing capability and shaping the personality  in the intellectual life of the nation. The purpose of education is to develop students potential to become a man of creative, independent, competent, and become responsible citizens. Education also has the advantage that is education may improve the ability to interact between teacher with teacher, teacher with student, and student with student, education also have function to select and allocation of labor, education can improve the ability to critically analyze, through the lessons of science, technology and art.


Associated with the development of science and technology in education, we need of new innovations to build character education. Way of teaching character education through a new innovation is a constructive learning. Characteristics or elements of innovation in building character education is a religion, phylosophy, paradigm, theories, design, scheme, models, programs, activities, example. To build character education in teaching practice is example and activities.  Then the learning system that use is the paradigm and theoris.
In this innovative contract of knowledge by the student, the point at teaching students to be active in the learning process, students should be able to find the problem in a matter that is given then the student should be able to solve problems, so the students are able to develop a method of learning problems solving. In innovation that will be developed for the achievement of character education is the teacher acts as a developer who works provide facilities and services such as students dificult to find a problem or difficulty when it comes to do the task, so the teacher should try to guide them. Then students are considered as students grow and develop so that math is the student himself. While the curriculum that will use a curriculum that has developed the design, scheme, models, and programs. With the philosophy and religion in the hope that the efforts to character education is to produce students are qualified teachers and make teaching more professional.

Analysis of education in various ways, by a certain time, certain places, certain occasions, the compere with experience, one way is by innovation to build a concret character education through religion, phylosophy, paradigm, theories, design, scheme, models, program , activities, example.

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